Jelly Pet Slicker Brushes

Jelly Pet Universal Slicker Brush

Universal Slicker Brush

Two sizes, two textures, and jolly good value for money. The Universal Slicker has pins almost double the length of standard slickers, a feature that allows the pins to remove more dead hair and tangles with each stroke.  Choose soft pins for delicate coats, and hard pins for dense coats.

Jelly Pet Double Flexible Slicker Brush

Double Sided Flexible Slicker Brush

For less stress on the coat (and yourself). The flexible head allows the pins to retract and glide through a know without damaging the hair or skin. Longer, angled pins deeply penetrate the coat and work through the most stubborn mats. Three sizes available.

Pivoting Slicker Brush

A unique and innovative slicker brush. This slicker brush is cleverly designed with a spring mechanism that allows the head to pivot and follow the contours of the dog’s body. The brush is sturdy, with a comfortable easy grip handle – perfect for everyday brushing.

What People Are Saying



“Nice little slicker. Thought I'd give this a try. I like it, no disappointments. Very affordable too.”

— Timm B